Special Offer - Regular price $599.00

FREE Server
Performance Report

Get a personalised, no obligation FREE Server Performance Report on your Cloud, VPS, Office Server or Dedicated Server by our team of Server Engineers.

Special Offer - No obligation

You'll receive a phone call by our Server Engineers

Don’t let your poor performing server affect your business.

Poor performing servers can have a huge impact on your business as well as costing you money. Get your personalised FREE, no obligation Server Performance Report on your Cloud, VPS, Office Server or Dedicated Server by our team of Server Engineers.


Cost you time and money due to outages


Older processors are vulnerable to exploits

Database performance

Having slow processors and storage means your reports load slower

Slow network

Having slow and high latency networks affects staff and clients

Lower Google rankings

Slow unresponsive websites get penalised

What's in the report?

Our Server Engineers will run a series of tools and utilities on your Cloud, VPS, Office Server or Dedicated Server in two key areas, Performance and Resource Consumption. We’ll then give you a personalised rating based on the 4 categories below.



We’ll take a deeper look at the type of processor (CPU) that you use such as it’s core count and processing power capabilities. We'll then use CPU Benchmarking tools for an accurate score so you can compare your results with modern day processors.


We’ll run analytical software to look at the overall performance of your storage devices and indicators such as it’s Read/Write throughputs, Input and Output Speeds (IOPs). Whether Mechanical, All-Flash or NVMe we’ll take into consideration if it’s suitable for your workload needs.


Memory is the key to your applications consistently performing optimally without running out of space to operate your workloads.


We'll run speed tests and network maps to test the speed and quality of your network connections that connect your services to the internet. This will see what providers your server is going through all the way to what country and city.